Episode 63: The Constructive Criticism Video

In this episode of LIfe after Kids with Drs Brooke and Lynne, we’re discussing the importance of constructive criticism in midlife. As midlife women, we need people who love us, people we trust who can speak hard truths to us so we can learn about ourselves, grow, and become the best version of ourselves in this next phase of life. It’s important for self development in midlife and emotional well being.

“You want the TRUTH!  You can’t handle the TRUTH”…

Who remembers the actor who said it and what movie this line is from?!  To be clear, we aren’t discussing movies today.  We are however, talking about constructive criticism and the importance of telling and hearing truth, even hard truth, in midlife.

More specifically, how do we go about accepting feedback from the people we trust and love? It seems to us, that over the years, we’ve all grown a little too soft.  We can get hurt easily.  We only want positive feedback.  And, we can have a difficult time hearing hard truths.  Listen, it’s so important to hear how great things are and how good you are doing in life.  But, if that’s all you ever hear, how will grow and make improvements.  It’s necessary to hear the other side of things too, because, none of us are perfect, and there is always room for improvement.  Unfortunately, we don’t always see it for ourselves, so we need people we trust to edify us and speak truth to us even if it’s hard to hear.  Otherwise, how are you going to grow?  How are you going to become a better version of yourself?  In this week’s episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we’re discussing all things Constructive Criticism in Midlife, because we should all be old enough and mature enough to ask for and accept advice and help from people we trust in our inner circle.  Here’s a few highlights from The Constructive Criticism Video…

  • Always ask yourself how much you trust the person giving you feedback.  Does this person genuinely care about you?

  • Have a filter or lens that enables you to decide whether or not the advice is constructive or is be given from a place of jealousy, envy, or someone else dumping their own baggage onto you.

  • If the person giving you feedback is part of your inner circle- your spouse, partner, or a trusted friend, and the relationship is a healthy one, trust their feedback.  Appreciate it, and don’t take it personally.

  • When giving constructive criticism, be sure to tell the truth in a kind and loving way.

  • Don’t give constructive criticism unless asked.

  • Take a moment to consider whether or not you can have these kinds of conversations with your inner circle.  If you can’t, ask yourself “why not” and contemplate how you can get to the place where you can have these conversations and grow from them.

  • Constructive criticism is also important to navigate with our teens and young adults.  Again, remember to give feedback when asked.  Also, be willing to accept constructive feedback from them.  This will teach your kids how to accept it for themselves.  Be the role model for them.

  • Always be TRUTHFUL, KIND, and TACTFUL.


As women, we often blow smoke, just because we don’t want to offend.  In this phase of life, it’s time to get past that and to start being real with each other.  We need to be mature enough, confident enough, and grounded enough to have hard conversations and to edify each other.  We must get to a place where we can tell our loved ones not just what they want to hear, but also what they need to hear.  Love on your friends and your spouse by speaking wisdom and truth to them, and don’t forget to be kind and loving to yourself.  If you’ve received caring and sound advice, you may get your feathers a little ruffled, but listen with an open mind and take it to heart.  Always make sure the advice you receive and listen to is coming from someone you trust, someone you love, someone whose opinion you value, and someone who you know has your back.  Click the picture above to learn more with Episode 63 of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, The Constructive Criticism Video.


I like constructive criticism from smart people




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