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Episode 31: The Core Values Video

Do you have a vision for what you want from your midlife? We've got a game changer for you and it's the fastest way to get from point A to point B.  It's the easiest way to live your life with intention.  It's taking time to think through and choose your core values.  Then filter every decision you make through those values.  And, Core Values are the topic of this week's discussion on Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.

Here's the thing.  If you want your life to look different, if you want to REIMAGINE MIDLIFE, then you have to do things differently and you must have these deeper conversations.  We all have things we’re trying to accomplish. Core values help us get there by identifying what our priorities are.

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Episode 30: The Look Your Best Video

Why do women spend so much time minimizing themselves, staying comfortable, and attempting to please everybody else? We're hear to tell you, in midlife, it's time to let that sh** go. You can be who you want to be and you can look and dress exactly how you want. You're awesome and you've earned it. Stop putting yourself down and stop worrying about what other women are thinking about you. We guarantee that other women are too busy worrying about themselves to worry about you! And if they’re thinking about you and how you look, well then that's their issue, not yours.

In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're getting real and raw about self image, beauty, and why you should want to LOOK YOUR BEST. Listen up! Everyone's definition of beauty is different. And no matter what you look like, you can be the best version of yourself. So take some time to determine what's beautiful to you and don't be afraid to push the envelope a little bit. Maybe, just maybe it's time to bust up that mental image you have of yourself. Maybe, in midlife it's time to change it up and break out of your comfort zone.

Don't let yourself go in your Life after Kids. Now is your time to shine and really be you. If you're feeling a little frumpy or negative about life, it's time to change your mindset. And, shifting your mindset often starts by pulling yourself together so you can look your best. Because, when you look better, you feel better.

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Episode 29: The Detox Video

As midlife women, we typically focus on the foods we’re eating and how we’re fueling our body in order to maintain or improve our health. But, did you know that ridding your body of toxins and garbage thru detox is just as important to our health as what we eat? In midlife detoxing is and important tool for improving our physical and emotional health. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we take a deep dive into the importance of detox. And, we share our favorite tips for detoxing.

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Episode 28: The Aging Parent Video

Many transitions and changes happen in midlife. Perhaps one of the hardest is shifting from being a care taker of young children to becoming a care taker for an aging family member. Being a care giver in any phase of life is difficult. You're often tired and exhausted from pouring into the person you are taking care of. Caring for small children is rewarding because we witness them grow, thrive, learn, and become. On the the other hand, caring for an elderly loved one can feel far less rewarding. You're giving your time and you're giving yourself, but you're not watching them grow and thrive, you're watching them decline. This is the season of winter. It can be beautiful, but it can also be extremely difficult. You must take care of yourself first so you have the energy to take care of your loved one. And, it's important to have a support system around you to help lighten your load when necessary. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're discussing what it looks and feels like to care for an aging family member and we're giving practical tips that can make this difficult time a little easier.

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Episode 27: The Aging Well Video

A large portion of our population isn't aging well. Unfortunately the older we get very often the more medications we take, the more functional restrictions we have, and the less we're enjoying our years. We've done a good job of adding quantity to our years, but what good is living longer if our quality of life is suffering? The good news is you're in control of your life and your health, and everything you do now determines how you will age. So, in this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're talking about The Four Foundations we must put our time, energy, and intention into so we can be there for our family and we can live well. If we don't have key, specific areas to turn our attention to, we can get overwhelmed because there is so much different information coming at us. Because of this, we usually don't know where to start so we don't take any action at all. The Four Foundations to Thriving in Midlife are Vitality, Resilience, Purpose, and Beauty. They all overlap and interconnect, and each one is necessary for living our best midlife. When we focus on improving these three areas, we will thrive in midlife.

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Episode 26: The Appearance Enhancing Video

In Midlife it's ok to want to slow down the aging process. We don't want to age faster than our years. And, we certainly want to keep our face youthful and glowing for as long as possible. It's important to be proactive and take care of your face now so we look our best as we get older. Because, when we look better we feel better. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne we're discussing the aging face and what steps we can take to enhance our natural appearance while slowing the aging process. We focus on a more natural, less aggressive approach and have tried all the treatments and techniques we talk about. There are so many things you can do at home or at a salon to reduce the signs of aging on your face in midlife.

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Episode 25: The Summertime Video

Vitality is one of the Four Foundations to THRIVING in MIDLIFE. If you want to be vital, healthy, and strong in midlife, you must move your body everyday. It's not enough to just take an exercise class or lift weights a few times a week. To have great function, mobility, posture, and overall vitality, you must move your body often and you must move your body in a variety of ways. Human beings were designed to be on their feet and moving throughout the day. But, in todays world, with desk jobs and technology, we sit far more than we ever have. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne we're talking about summertime and all of the outdoor activities you can enjoy to get your body moving and take advantage of the beautiful weather. When engaging in outdoor activities, don't be afraid to be playful and childlike, it's good for your emotional health and it will keep you young! Remember, age is just a number and you're never too old for play.

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Episode 24: The Relationship Video

For years our focus and energy has been on raising our kids. So, it's very common to neglect our relationship with our spouse. Everything we do is centered around the kids and their activities. We watch them perform. We take them on weekend outings. Typically a dinner out includes the kids. And. along the way, quality alone time with our spouse suffers. Because of this, it's very common to hit midlife, realize your kids are growing up and prepping to leave the house , then wonder if you and your spouse even know each other anymore. Often, we're concerned about what our relationship is going to look like once the kids are gone. We can question whether or not we're still connected enough to enjoy life together sans kids. In this episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're discussing our relationship with our spouse in midlife and how to reconnect and rekindle the flame. Prioritizing our relationships are key to thriving in midlife and ensuring we live a vibrant, meaningful life.

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Episode 22: The Posture Video

Good posture is an important part of looking good and feeling good in midlife.  When you have proper posture, you move well, you stand taller, and you function better.  Maybe you think this isn't something you need to worry about at this age, but we're here to remind you that everything you do now sets you up for how you'll live and be 10,20,30, even 40 years from now.

Our posture is so important to how we look, move, and feel.  Unfortunately, as a society, our posture is getting worse because we sit too much and we're on computers or our phones constantly.  That's why Episode 22 of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, is all about POSTURE! And, we're talking about how to improve it.

Bottom line, our genetic makeup doesn't control our health and our genes don't control our posture.  Our lifestyle does.  We get to choose what our health and posture will look like in the years to come.  Watch this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne to learn more about posture and how to improve it so you can make the right choices. Click the picture above to get started.


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Episode 21: The Boredom Video

If you're in midlife and starting to feel a little bored, you are not alone. Maybe you have too much time on your hands now that the kids don’t need you as much, or maybe you’re just sick of the monotony and want to shake things up a bit. Whatever the case, many of us are struggling with boredom in midlife. We need to figure out how to spend our time productively.  We're looking for activities that will fill us up, and frankly we're a little bored with the status quo.  In Episode 20 of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're discussing all things BOREDOM! And, we're talking about it through the lens of our Strengths and Talents

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Episode 20: The Personal Space Video

We're in Midlife. Our Kids are growing up.  It's the perfect time to declutter our homes and recreate our personal space.  When we DECLUTTER OUR PERSONAL SPACE WE DECLUTTER OUR MIND.

We can create a beautiful environment that adds to our mindset and emotional well-being.  Or, our environment can detract from our emotional health, creating chaos and stress.  In Episode 20 of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're discussing The importance of our PERSONAL SPACE! When decorating your home or reimagining your personal space, it's a good idea to engage all of your senses- what you see, smell, hear, and feel.  Listen in to hear all about what we’ve done with our personal spaces.

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Episode 19: The Scary Thing Video

Pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone in MIDLIFE makes us feel strong, powerful, capable, and alive.  Sometimes we do this by planning a big adventure, a bucket list item if you will, like a race or a mountain climb.  These big events are fun and exhilarating, especially when done with friends.  But we can also create these feelings in our day to day lives by constantly taking steps to do the thing that frightens us, the thing that makes us uncomfortable and pushes us beyond ourselves.  For many of us, just choosing daily to show up authentically and speak our truth will do the trick. Doing the Scary Thing, whether a big event or a daily action step will cause us to grow as a person. Plus, it will break the cycle of the "day in day out mundaneness" of midlife that we can so easily get trapped in!  And, in Episode 19 of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne, we're discussing THE SCARY THING!

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Episode 18: The Big Kid Video

We’re talking about building and fostering relationships with our big kids in this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.  Just because they aren’t crawling onto our laps for snuggles and kisses anymore, doesn’t mean we can’t have wonderful, lasting memories with them. Remember, it's important to be intentional about doing things with our grown kids.  Time moves fast, and if we don't schedule time or set goals for being with our family, we might miss out on precious moments we could be spending with them.  In the words of Dr. Lynne...

"It's a wish and a prayer unless its written down and there's intention behind it."

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Episode 17: The Empty Nest Video

Our kids are growing up and leaving home. We'll always be their mom, but they don't need us in the same way anymore. In midlife many women struggle with empty nest status. Even though we're still moms, we struggle with our identity. We feel sad, lost, and lonely and we long for the days when our kids were little. It's ok to feel your feelings, but it's important not to stay there. In midlife we can be miserable, or we can choose to see this next phase of life as a new beginning, an exciting time, a clean slate so to speak. In this video, we discuss all things empty nesting and we give practical advice for coping with empty nesting and rediscovering who you are in midlife.

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Episode 15: The Anxiety Video

Oh the panic. Oh the anxiety. Oh the lovely fired up brain and nervous system looking for something wrong. Certain there is something wrong. And, if there is nothing at all wrong, they'll make something up and it will seem REAL. And, you will likely believe it.

Of all the things we deal with in midlife, why the ANXIETY? Very often anxiety starts to rear it's ugly head in midlife due guessed it- HORMONES. Feels like we can pretty much blame hormonal changes in midlife for everything. Progesterone and estrogen get out of balance in relationship to each other. Cortisol levels raise due to excess stress, and suddenly we're spending lots of time in fight or flight mode.

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Episode 14: The Weight Management Video

What is it with hitting the age of 40 and suddenly having more trouble with weight management? In midlife, all the things we used to do to keep our weight stable don't seem to work as well as they used to. In midlife, weight gain can be a struggle. In this video we're discussing the reasons for midlife weight gain and sharing tips about what works best for us to manage our weight in midlife. Plus we're discussing the concept of "eat so you feel good, not just to look good".

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Episode 13: The Lonely Video

We all crave love and connection.  It's a necessity in our life just like oxygen.  But, many of us, even if we have plenty of people around, still feel lonely.  Why is that?  And what can we do about it?  We're discussing all aspects of LONELINESS in this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.

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Episode 12: The Beauty Video

There are 3 key factors to our Fourth Foundation, BEAUTY- outer beauty- skin, hair, face, style, inner beauty- authenticity, self-worth, confidence, beauty in the world around us- practicing gratitude. Ready to find more BEAUTY in the world and to become your most beautiful self on the inside and out? Get started with this week's episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.

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Episode 11: The Vitality Video

If we want to make Life after Kids our best years yet, then it's absolutely necessary to have a focus on our physical health and fitness.  We must cultivate strength, power, energy, and physical health. We must get strong in our bodies so we can do all the things! This is VITALITY…. Vitality is our Third Foundation, and it’s the topic of discussion in this weeks episode of Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne.

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